Maynard Lyndon - Back to the Future…with Kits!

Maynard Lyndon is a long time designer with a track record of having produced literally dozens of great modern furniture designs over decades. Maynard is largely retired from furniture design (although he and his wife Lu recently opened a thriving art gallery in The Sea Ranch). But these designs from a generation ago remain relevant. We were particularly drawn to Maynard's designs for childrens furniture, which are timeless, clever, colorful, durable, and functional.

But so much has changed in the last generation: kids have less opportunities to learn to work with their hands, parents are challenged with finding meaningful activities to do with their kids, the quality of affordable furniture in the market has declined significantly. And last, but far from least, the COVID pandemic has put kids and parents in a place where all these needs are only heightened.

We saw the opportunity to enable restless adults and children to take on a project at home, with their kids and for them. Our furniture kits are affordable creativity in a box - simple and engaging furniture making kits for kids and adults to do together.

Why kits?

  • Kits provide the opportunity to work with the kids who will be using this furniture, and create a meaningful developmental experience, a sense of empowerment, and memories for all that will last a lifetime

  • Kids and families express their creativity in putting kits together - we include some basic ornamentation and finishing bits, but we encourage kit builders to add their own unique flair, and share

  • A beautiful, durable, and sustainable piece of furniture, without breaking the bank, while creating living wage design and production jobs for US workers

We’re working on a line of kits starting with a few of Maynard’s hand-picked designs. Stay tuned for more.



Interested in our Kits?
Sign up here!

We’ll notify you as we bring these designs to market. We hope to have our first kit available for the 2020 Holiday season.



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